Friday, December 28, 2018

My daughter i hope to be alive to see you when you become a real old woman
The relationship between a grandchild and grandparent is a very special one. While grandparents act as an authority figure and provide unconditional love, they also get to spoil their grand kids in a way parents simply can.

Grandparents are a treasure store of family history. Grandchildren will love to hear stories about their parents as young children or about their grandparent’s lives in the “olden days”. Even very young children enjoy looking at old family photo albums, and this is a great time to tell them some family history.   

one of my favorite lessons in kindergarten is that about grandparents, where the students are highly engaged in this lesson, they were imitate their grandparents in the class and they lived the experience of being older like their grandparents. they looked as they are really grandparents, it was very successful lesson.
Here are some pictures of my lovely students:

⧪The value of a teacher in a student’s life cannot be overstated. Becoming a teacher offers endless opportunity to help all students understand and achieve their full potential. Teaching is not only a profession with rigorous standards; it is also a calling to serve others. If you enjoy working with children and you believe that education has the power to change lives, then you may have what it takes to become an exemplary teacher.Learning by teaching  is a method which allows pupils and students to prepare and teach lessons or parts of lessons, with the understanding that a student's own learning is enhanced through the teaching process.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Technology is everywhere and entwined in our daily ,so when technology in the classroom is used correctly it opens up possibilities for more student learning. I strive to make my classroom a fun, engaging place to learn every day. By integrating technology into the classroom in a meaningful and purposeful way, I am able to hold and sustain a student’s love for learning. Using technology in the classroom has transformed me into an educator that is a conceptual thinker, generator of ideas, and a self-starter.
it is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged in using technology, this creates many amazing opportunities for schools and teachers to benefit from integrating  some forms of technology in the classroom and to make teaching and learning more effective. here are some of the main benefit of using technology in the classroom:
  • Improves engagement .
  • Improves knowledge retention.
  • Encourages individual learning.
  • Encourages collaboration.
  • Students can learn useful life skills through technology.
  • Benefits for teachers. 
Birthdays are special days in everyone's life, a day to always remember. everyone eagerly looks forward to his/her birthday to celebrate as much as they could. Birthdays are very special days to honor and celebrate your child. Birthdays are important milestones for children of all ages. 
Since classroom may have 25 or more students celebrating birthdays along with the holiday celebrations, parties can turn into weekly events.
In my class I recognize that children enjoy sharing their special day with classmates.
 I like to think that almost every child loves celebrating their birthday at school. I know my kids do! They enjoy bringing treats to class, handing them out to their classmates and taking “extras” to the other teachers. Their teacher makes them a paper crown, everyone sings happy birthday and somehow they always manage to be the “class leader” for the day. Indeed, it is a very special day for them.
Here are some pictures of my student's birthday in KG-2

Inspiring And Motivating

Most adults can recall a favorite teacher who loved being in the classroom and who made learning fun. Teachers are often the first to spot a student's unique gifts and aptitudes in a specific subject. Becoming a teacher provides an opportunity to nurture and encourage their students to appreciate and develop their natural abilities and special interests. An inspired teacher can make all the difference in a student’s motivation to develop his own gifts and hidden talents. As a teacher, you help shape a student’s self-esteem and confidence, as well as helping inspire her career aspirations and attitudes toward school.

Teachers and Parents

Parents play a vital role in a student’s education, particularly during the formative years. When teachers and parents act as a team, it can reinforce positive behaviors and learning skills developed in the classroom and practiced at home. When students see educators and parental figures working together, they learn to value education and get academic and behavioral support both inside and outside the classroom. Parent-teacher teams that communicate well can share information about the student and help devise ways to individualize learning approaches to best meet the student’s needs.

Disability awareness in school is extremely important because it educates students so they may become better citizens. Teaching your children about disability will help in breaking social barriers and allow a better, whole some approach to inclusion of people with disabilities.
 So its very important to teach our students in schools that a person with a disability is not a bad person and their disability is not contagious. what they have is not going to spread to you or those around them.
 introducing the term disability to young children can help them understand that disabilities can result from accident or illness.
No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. people with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren't easily forgotten. 
Because of the importance of this topic , I taught my students in kindergarten about it , and we visited children and adults with physical and mental disabilities in Taanayel (R-conciel institution) , and here are some pictures were taken there .

                                            About webinar:

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a webinar titled "creating positive relationships, practical steps for positive classrooms" presented by Mr. Kevin Baird. He discussed the importance of a positive relationships for learning, and the practical steps for enabling positive classrooms, decreasing disciplinary issues and engaging the left out learners.
This webinar was really valuable, especially for teachers, administrators, departmental chairs and PLC team, so I have got some information's I'd like to share with you.
Kevin Baird said that there are ten ways in which teachers can create a positive learning environment in the classrooms:

  1. Address Students Needs. 
  2. Create a Sense of Order.
  3. Greet Students at the Door Every Day.
  4. Let Students Get to Know You.
  5. Get to Know Your Students.
  6. Avoid Rewarding to Control.
  7. Avoid Judging.
  8. Employ Class-Building Games And Activities
  9. Be Vulnerable.
  10.  Celebrate Success.

then he shifted to the second point, which is decreasing disciplinary issues , and he also mentioned the steps needed to avoid such issues happened in classrooms:

  1. be organized.
  2. Deal With Problems While They're Still Small.
  3. Teach Your Procedure well.
  4. Keep Your Students Engaged.
  5. Move Around The Classroom.
  6. Be Professional. 
  7. Require Students To Clean Their Desks 
  8. Establish Structure First.
and the last point was about the steps of engaging left out learners :

  1. Break Tasks Into Smaller Milestone.
  2. Incorporate Real World Stimulation And Branching Scenarios.
  3. Provide Clear Instructions.
  4. Add Summaries and lists.
  5. Encourage Personalized Learning Plans.
  6. Real world Case Studies And Examples.
finally, l love it how they presents knowledge and I think people who would develop their knowledge have to attend webinar, its a chance to get deeper knowledge about your major.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Web-quests are a fun way for students to gain new understanding on their own terms, web-quests allow them to explore on their own and they will begin learning because it is fun,rather than feeling like knowledge is being shoved down their throats. It is possible to create a web-quest for almost any lesson that is taught. Technology is going to continue to change and keep getting better. by having our students do web-quests we are challenging them to use technology and make good use of the internet. Using the web-quests engage students and make them use thinking skills that are required to survive in our society.


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